Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Hole~ poem

Going through the motions
In this vast and blackened ocean
Drinking in this potion
They tell me's for my best
Breathing in and Breathin out
This stagnant air flows through my mouth
Vision fading, thirst of drought
No escape, no peace, no rest.

Awoken from my walking slumber
I reach up from my relm of under
For a grasp, for a lover
A lover of my soul
New light changes the course of time
I feel a punctured hand in mine
With whip torn flesh, and spear pierced side
He lifts me from this hole

Lost sight restored to all fulness
Thirst is quenched, the air is fresh
I see Him there, my soul's found rest
My savior, it is He.
And now i will forever praise
The one who saved my life with grace
How beautiful, the bloodstained face
of Jesus, Lord, and King!